The Foster Parent Verification Process and is on average a 45-90-day process however it can take up to or more than 90 days. It really depends on you and how quickly you are able to get your paperwork turned in and on-line training and classroom training completed as well.
The very first step in the process is completing the Application and Questionnaire Packet. Please see attachments for details.
The second step is then passing a background check. This requires me to have a signed consent form which is a part of the application and also copies of your Driver’s License and Social Security Card. I can obtain this via email, fax or in person. Whichever is easier. These documents are automatically put into your Pre-Service File and is locked behind two locks at all times. Once I have run the initial background check I will give you the approval to go and get your background check done. This will cost you $40. This is paid directly to the state.
As far as preparing your home, there are a few things that I will list below that will be needed. I have also attached the Foster Parent Minimum Standards which is the state’s “rule book/guide” to becoming and being a foster parent. It is a lengthy document so please ask me if you have any specific questions and I can guide you!
Background Checks are required on all Family Members, ages 14-years and Older and Any Family Member that Frequents your home.
Below are some of the trainings that are required by the state:
- CPR and First Aid
- SAMA-Emergency Behavioral Intervention Training (8 Hours) (ALSO CALLED RESTRAINT TRAINING) (Restraint Training)
- Trauma Informed Care (2 Hours).
Below are some things that will be needed for your pre-service file:
- Copy of Home Owners Insurance
- Copy of Auto Insurance (all cars)
- TB test (has to be from this year) TB Tests are required for All Family Members
- Sketch of Floor Plan (dimensions and designation of all rooms; exits not blocked; location of smoke detectors and fire extinguishers documented).
- One Fire Extinguisher on each floor.
Additional items needed to complete the process are as follows:
- Marriage License/Divorce Decree (whichever applies)
- Birth Certificates for All Family Members
- Social Security Cards for All Family Members
- Financial Statements for the Last 2 Months (Bank Statements and/or Check Stubs if not Direct Deposit)
- High School Diploma or GED
- 3 References (1 from Job or School, 1 from personal, 1 from neighbor)
- References from all children, biological or adoptive if applies
Also, here are some trainings that can be done on line to kind of give you an idea of what the training process will be like. Make sure to print the certificate and send me a copy via fax, email or I can pick up when I come to your home.
TRAINING LINKS – Required Training To Be Completed
Reporting Abuse / Neglect Training
Trauma Informed Care Training
Psychotropic Medication Training
Medical Consenter Training
Also in the process, I will need to schedule a meeting for me to come out and completed several things. This can be broke up into several meetings if necessary.
- Orientation
- Health Inspection
- Fire inspection
- Verifying square footage and taking pictures of your home
- Disaster and Emergency Plan
- Weapons Verification Form (if applicable)
- Disclosure of Family Violence Form (if applicable)
- Animal Vaccinations (if applicable)
- HIPPA Individual consent form
- Direct Deposit Authorization Form
- Foster Parent/Respite Agreement Form (Done right before verification process is complete).
- Discipline Guidance Policy